Today, we share with you Maria's thoughtful poem about her visit to New Legacy Charter School. As we bring our stories from the Aurora convening to a close, please stay tuned to hear from the Oakland storytellers' experiences from their learning excursion learning about culminating performance assessment systems.

Tell me about a learning community. . .
Where your learning is personalized,
carefully crafted
by thoughtful, thought-full teachers
who take the time
to know you well and
then design lessons to support
your specific educational needs and interests
Where you fully trust that your teachers are
completely and authentically committed
to sharing with you
informed wisdom
Where the purpose of your education is
for you
to create
a better life
for you and for your child
Tell me about a learning community. . .
Where your teachers
are not afraid
to admit
gaps in their knowledge
Where they instead
join you
as a partner
on a learning journey
Where you are assessed
in a way that is
not degrading,
not punitive
Tell me about a learning community. . .
Where mental health
is a priority
by everyone
Where your teachers
humanize you,
engaging with you as
a whole being
Where both
your mind and your heart
are nurtured
Where you are provided
a safe space
in which to be
Tell me about a learning community. . .
Where you are
to be the best version of yourself
for your child
and for yourself
Where you are given room
to feel
and, therefore,
to heal
Tell me about New Legacy Charter School.

Maria Rogahn
For over 30 years, Maria has worked in the field of education, including classroom teaching, family/community engagement, community organizing, case management, academic research, and program design and management. Currently, she supports the development of graduate profiles, capstones, and youth apprenticeships in New Mexico at Future Focused Education, provides training in youth and teen Mental Health First Aid, and facilitates with Embracing Equity. Being on the water on a paddle board is her happy place.