AFL Gatherings:
Learning Excursions
Gathering Together to Learn and Lead

Registration is open!
Register below.
You and your team are invited to join the Assessment For Learning (AFL) community for a 2-day learning excursion in Oakland, CA!
Together, we will continue to pursue AFL's essential question: What can we learn together about how assessment for learning relates to learner belonging, equity and liberation? Specifically, we will explore "How do we build aligned and coherent performance assessment systems that promote learner belonging, equity and liberation?"
Come join us as we explore Student Demonstrations of Learning, with a chance to experience live student presentations at Oakland’s Envision Academy and ARISE High School, in addition to engaging with educators or leaders at Oakland Unified School District. In the spirit of grounding into place to better understand the communities we will visit, we will explore the political and cultural realities of navigating a highly charged education system in the city of Oakland, and engage in shared learning with other educators in immersive learning in local schools.
Our time together will allow us to gather insight from students, faculty, parents, and community members in order to learn with and from Oakland schools as they build performance assessment systems that allow for greater learner belonging, equity, and liberation. Participants will also walk away with quality criteria to help build or revise their own high quality assessment for learning processes and systems in addition to practicing empathy tools to identify current system dynamics.
This experience is for any and all stages of development within Performance Assessment Systems. Whether you’re just getting started, seasoned in the work, or even deciding if this is right for you, all are welcomed!
We have resources to sponsor BIPOC educators (ie. travel, lodging, and registration). Additionally, we have stipend available for community members who agree to serve as storytellers for this convening. Read more from our previous storytellers here: https://www.assessment4learning.org/blog.
We hope to learn with you and your team as you join the Assessment For Learning (AFL) community in Oakland.
We are excited to continue to convene around shared curiosity in the field. All of this is part of our continuing effort to scale learning and impact from AFL as described in our Theory of Action.

Agenda at a glance
details and hour-by-hour schedule to come (subject to change)
Pre-Convening Webinars with Host Schools
Prior to the convening, participants will have the opportunity to attend a webinar to begin the process of ground into place. We will get some preliminary insights into teaching and learning at Envision Academy and ARISE High School and what it feels like to be a member of the Oakland community.
Webinars TBD
If you are unable to attend the pre-convening webinars, we have you covered! We will send out the recording to all participants prior to 5/15. Details to follow.
Venue (hotel and meeting space)
Waterfront Hotel - JDV by Hyatt
10 Washington Street Oakland, CA 94607
Our convening will take place at the Waterfront Hotel, with learning excursions heading out to the schools from there.
Room booking information will be provided to you at the email you supplied at registration with a unique booking link for a discounted group room rate. Please stay tuned!
Day 0: Pre-Convening Community Evening Reception - optional
Tuesday, 5/14
5:00 PM PT
Welcome to Oakland! For those who arrive early, we will host a welcome reception for members of the community to informally gather. Join us and connect with one another, catch up, and share joys from our own corners of the country. Heavy appetizers and drinks will be provided.
Day 1
Wednesday, 5/15
8:00am - 7:00pm PT
Details coming soon!
Day 2
Thursday, 5/16
8:00am - 7:00pm PT
Details coming soon!
Cost - programming, meals, hotel, travel
The cost to attend the Learning Excursion is $650 per person. This covers costs for provided lunches on both days and hosted dinner on Day 1, transportation needs, and facilitation from both AFL Community members and school hosts.
Participants will need to arrange for their own travel and hotel.
An announcement about room blocks and other suggested sites will follow after registration.
Transportation will be provided - where needed - between the hotel and school site/any other programmed locations.
The closest airport to fly into is Oakland International Airport (OAK). San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is the next closest option.
Ride share is encouraged to/from the airport.
Sponsorship and Stipends
In line with our shared values, we will also continue to offer sponsorships for BIPOC leaders to cover the costs of travel and registration. Please email hello@assessment4learning.org to learn more.
We are also seeking up to 20 community storytellers for each learning excursion. Storytellers will be stipended $1000 and may choose to receive that as a payment after the convening, or they may choose to have their stipend applied to registration or travel reimbursement. Please email hello@assessment4learning.org if you are interested in this opportunity.
Still have questions?
Contact hello@assessment4learning.org